Commit to Continual Learning

Well hello there, Smiling Scientists!

I’m grateful to have spent the day last week with some of my colleagues and  Lt. Richard Goerling, our homegrown trauma-informed mindfulness guru from Hillsboro Police Department.  We received a much-too-short introduction about compassion, awareness, trauma at our jobs, neurobiology research, you name it…and many of you came away wanting more!  There are still a few spots open for the Resilience Immersion Training on October 20-22, 2017 in Bend, Oregon.  Go to our main Smiling Science home page, scroll down and find the flyer under the “Training” section for the official flyer and more information.

Another resource mentioned in the workshop was a compelling interview with Dr. Bessel van der Kolk conducted by Krista Tippett.  Dr. van der Kolk is a well-respected clinician whose work with post-traumatic stress is well-known in the psychiatric community, but certainly can be helpful for any first responder or public safety/forensic science practitioner.  The interview can be found on our “About Us” page…just scroll down to Our Favorite Video of the Week and enjoy!  We’d love to hear what you think about the interview.

Who is Krista Tippett, you may ask?  She is an award-winning journalist who has a unique perspective on faith, compassion, and the human spirit.  You can find a really great introduction on Krista Tippett and how she thinks here.

I hope you’ve all have a great weekend, and please e-mail us if you find training opportunities, articles, podcasts, audio files or videos you think would be beneficial to our group.  AND, if you have someone in mind you think may find this information helpful, please direct them to check out the Smiling Science Alliance website,

Until soon!

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