Hello, fellow smiling scientists! I wanted to give you a quick heads-up that the Mindful Badge Initiative has loaded more training opportunities for the summer and fall of 2019. Because these are located in Oregon, they are amazing opportunities to travel a short distance to learn a vast amount of information…mainly about yourself. How do you show up to life every day? Take one of Lt. Goerling’s classes, seminars or intensive retreats, and start to modify the way you step into the world. Check out two new dates for the Genentech Resilient Mind Workshop, and a new addition of the ever-popular 3-day Resilience Immersion Workshop in Eagle Creek, Oregon on the Mindful Badge Initiative website.
Want to check out my favorite Mark Twain quote that has SSSOOOOO much to do with our wandering minds? Head over to our Smiling Science Alliance homepage and scroll down to the very bottom. Mark Twain is a master.
Have other awesome quotes you’d like to see on our website? Feel free to shoot me an e-mail, and I’ll add it! nici@smilingscience.com
Finally, I’ve uploaded a short meditation for positive energy on our “About Us” page. Feel free to check it out and tell me what you think!
Until then, keep smiling!